Indulge in the art of cigars with our mobile bartending service offering exclusive cigar classes. From the basics of cigar etiquette to the intricate dissection and identification of flavors, immerse yourself in a comprehensive learning experience. Uncover the rich history behind each cigar, and explore the world of tobacco. Elevate your appreciation as our experts guide you through the complexities of cigar flavors, creating an engaging and informative session for enthusiasts and novices alike. Enrich your event with a sophisticated touch, blending the enjoyment of fine cigars with expert knowledge.




Whiskey / Bourbon




Cocktails & Cigars 



Intoxologist presents enriching wine classes led by passionate experts.Dive into the world of wine, exploring subjects ranging from wines by region and various varietals and to the remarkable contributions of women winemakers. Immerse yourself in the complexities of white and red wines, discovering their unique characteristics and pairings. Elevate your dining experience with insights into wines suitable before, during, and after a meal. Additionally, venture into the art of crafting wine-based cocktails, adding a creative twist to your libation knowledge. Join us for an educational and delightful journey through the diverse and captivating universe of wines.